Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Julien Champ [contact] , Alexis Joly, Pierre Letessier.

URL: http://otmedia.lirmm.fr/

SnoopIm is a content-based search engine allowing to discover and retrieve small visual patterns or objects in large collections of pictures and to derive statistics from them (frequency, visual cover, size variations, etc.). It is implemented in Javascript on top of a C++ library developed in collaboration with INA (http://www.ina-sup.com/ ). The software is used at INA by archivists and sociologists in the context of the Transmedia Observatory project. It is also being experimented in several contexts including a logo retrieval application set up in collaboration with the French Press Agency, an experimental plant identification tool mixing textual and visual information retrieval (in the context of the Pl@ntNet project) and a research project on high-throughput analysis of root architecture images.